The engine tin under the left engine bank was more damaged than I thought. It wasnt attached to the block at all because it had been sheared free, the bolt holes torn away.. The little pieces of tin were still screwed to the block.
Replacements seemed readily available, so I ordered a new one. I quickly discovered that it didnt quite fit. It fit around the engine ok, but the screw holes didnt line up.
I tried trimming and bending it, but it really wasnt helping much. I was starting to feel like I was damaging it and the bolt holes still didnt quite line up. I you cant beat em, join....the two together.
I used the new tin as a patch for the old tin. I cut the bottom off the new tin.
Then I trimmed the bottom, leaving enough overlap to secure it to the old one
One lays right on top on the other, and I bolted them together
Now JB weld seals the deal
And a final coat of paint
Now I can get back to reassembly.